Looking up city, state and country based on zip code can be incredibly useful in a form.  This example shows how you can do this with an API from Zippopotamus. 

requires:  secureJS=false

link to Leap app

The application takes the zip code you enter and on the onChange event:

  1. Builds the REST call to include the zip code you entered
  2. Sends the REST call to to the API
  3. Loads the JSON results returned by the REST call into a FEB multi-line field.

// 1 . get the zip code that has been entered
var zip = item.getValue();
//  build the Zippopotamus url
var url = 'http://api.zippopotam.us/us/'+zip;
// 2. REST call to Zippopotamus
var client = new XMLHttpRequest();
// 3. get the results and put them in a multi line widget
var result = client.responseText;

When the multi-line field (onChange) recieves an empty result the app displays "not a US zip code".  When the response is valid the JSON is parsed and put into the City, State and Country fields. 
//check to see if valid response
if (item.getValue()==='{}')
   alert('Not a U.S. Zip Code');
//parse the json string
var zippo = JSON.parse(item.getValue());
//pick out the json data items desired
var country = zippo.country;
var city = zippo['places'][0]['place name'];
var state = zippo['places'][0]['state'];
// set FEB fields to the variables