Manage Utility for Leap Applications

Manage Utility for Leap Applications

 As more and more people use FEB one of the things that I have recognized that is missing is a quick way to back up all of your applications or to move them from one server to another.
I have attempted to close that gap by creating an executable jar file that leverages the FEB REST API.  Below are the readme notes for the application, if you find this useful or have any enhancement requests please let me know (Christopher Dawes - christopher.dawes@hcl.com).

This program was written by the author and is not an official IBM release it is provided
as-is and is not eligible for Support.  
If you have any questions or encounter any errors using this application contact
Christopher Dawes at christopher.dawes@hcl.com


2018-04-09 :: added page param to start the exportAllToFS on any result page

2018-02-16 :: supports freedomIdentifyKey

                      added new operation "migrateApp"

                      updated to use new FEB API jar

2017-10-06 :: added the -c parameter that can be used to pass a custom context.

2017-10-04 :: Updated code to use FEBUtility code

                       Fixed app import with tags

2016-06-22 :: Added update operation. 

                       Added usage detail if the jar is executed without the required command line arguments.

                       Fixed the path of the debug.log.

2015-02-11 :: Fixed numerous errors that could cause the application to fail.  Also updated the doc here to fix the usage syntax.  Enabled the -f flag to support relative file paths.
This program can be used to manage FEB application.  You can export or import applications from/to a FEB server using the REST API.
The filename of exported applications will be the application id.
After running the application it will create a debug.log that contains a listing of all the exported applications and their titles
as seen in the Manager panel.
-o                The operation to perform, it can be exportOneToFS, exportListToFS, exportAllToFS, import, delete, upgrade and migrateApp
-ps              The primary FEB server.  For example, http://myserver.server.com/http://myserver.server.com/, http://myserver.server.com:9081
-u                The username to use when connecting to FEB
-p                The password for the specified user

-ignoreSSL  Flag to bypass SSL when communicating with the primary server. If used then the commType (-ct) is required.

-ct               The communication type (i.e. SSL, TLS, SSL_TLS, TLSv1.2, etc).  Only used when server is HTTPS and Defaults to SSL.

-c                The context of the forms REST API, defaults to "forms-basic".

-ss              The secondary FEB server. For example, http://myserver.server.com/http://myserver.server.com/http://myserver.server.com:9081/
-ss_u          The username to use when connecting to FEB
-ss_p          The password for the specified user

-ss_ignoreSSL  Flag to bypass SSL when communicating with the primary server. If used then the commType (-ct) is required.

-ss_ct         The communication type (i.e. SSL, TLS, SSL_TLS, TLSv1.2, etc) for secondary server is specified.

-ss_c          The context of the forms REST API, defaults to "forms-basic".
-f                 The path where the files will be exported to or imported from.  This will search all sub directories.  MUST Use forward slashes in the URL.  Supports relative file paths.
-a                The application ID to be exported (only used with exportOneToFS and upgrade operation)

-t                 The tags to apply to the application being imported. Comma separated list of tags.

-listPath      The path of the file that contains the list of app ids, the expected format is a simple text file with one application id per line. Used with exportListToFS or delete.

-fik               The cookie value to use for the freedomIdentifyKey
-deploy        This will force the deployment of the imported application
-data            This will include the submission data when importing, exporting or updating

-page          The page number to start with, only used for exportAllToFS.
-debug        This will enable additional debugging for the application

-console     Will ask for all the configuration information in the console rather than passing as command args.

-usage or -help  Shows the help message.

  This application should be accessed from the cmd line.  To call the application:

  1. Open a cmd console.  From Windows...Start...Run and enter "cmd" and click "OK"
  2. Adjust the following cmd to access your installed java.exe:

  "c:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\bin\java.exe" -jar ManageFEBApps.jar

    3. Add the additional flags that you require.

A .bat script has been provided that can be used to run the application.  Modify the .bat script with a text editor
and then you can simply double-click the file to run it.

To EXPORT ONE app from a server:

-o exportOneToFS -ps <serverURL> -u <user> -p <pwd> -a <appID> -f C:/temp/FEBExport

-o exportOneToFS -ps <serverURL> -u <user> -p <pwd> -a <appID> -f "C:/temp/FEB Export"

To EXPORT LIST of apps from a server:

-o exportOneToFS -ps <serverURL> -u <user> -p <pwd> -listPath <filePath> -f C:/temp/FEBExport

To IMPORT ONE application (no deploy):

-o import -ps <serverURL> -u <user> -p <pwd> -f C:/temp/FEBExport/<filename>

To IMPORT ONE application (auto deploy and include data):

-o import -ps <serverURL> -u <user> -p <pwd> -f C:/temp/FEBExport/<filename> -deploy -data

-o import -ps <serverURL> -u <user> -p <pwd> -f <filename> -deploy -data

To IMPORT ALL applications from a directory (auto deploy and include data for all apps in directory):

-o import -ps <serverURL> -u <user> -p <pwd> -f C:/temp/FEBExport -deploy -data

-o import -ps <serverURL> -u <user> -p <pwd> -f "FEB Export Dir" -deploy -data

To UPGRADE an application (from the filesystem):

-o upgrade -ps <serverURL> -u <user> -p <pwd> -a <appID> -f "C:/temp/sample.nitro_s"  -debug

To DELETE an application from FEB:

-o delete -ps <serverURL> -u <user> -p <pwd> -a <appID> -debug  -ct TLSv1.2

To DELETE list of applications from FEB:

-o delete -ps <serverURL> -u <user> -p <pwd> -listPath <filePath> -debug  -ct TLSv1.2

To MIGRATE application from one server to another:

-o migrateApp -ps <serverURL> -ss <secondServerURL> -u <user> -p <pwd> -a <appID> -f C:/temp/FEBExport -deploy -data

-o migrateApp -ps <serverURL> -ss <secondServerURL> -u <user> -p <pwd> -ss_u <secuser> -ss_p <secpwd> -a <appID> -f C:/temp/FEBExport -deploy -data -tags "sample,dawes"

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