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Table of Contents

Validate Field By Pattern


This function will enforce a regex pattern on the specified field and will set the field to invalid if it does not match.


Code Block
app.getSharedData().validateByPattern = function(theItem, pattern, errMsg) {
  var re = new RegExp(pattern);
  if(!re.test(theItem.getValue())) {
   theItem.setValid(false, errMsg);
  } else {
    theItem.setValid(true, "");

Pad Field Value


This function can be used to pad a string with a padding character up to a specified length.


Code Block
// theVal - the string you want to pad
// padChar - the character you want to use to pad the string
// desiredLength - the total length the resulting string should be
app.getSharedData.padValue = function(theVal, padChar, desiredLength) {
  while(theVal.length < desiredLength) {
    theVal = padChar + theVal;              
  return theVal;

Calculate Duration


This function can be used to calculate the duration between two times.  This function currently supports calculating the duration into hours and minutes.  You could further enhance this function to support months and years, but the output will always be rendered as a string representing the number of hours.


Code Block
// startTime - Can be date, time or dateTime
// endTime - Can be date, time or dateTime
// rndHours - Round the result to the highest integer (hour). Values are true or false.
app.getSharedData().calcDuration = function(startTime, endTime, rndHours) {  

  //convert to milliseconds
  var d1 = startTime.getTime();
  var d2 = endTime.getTime();  
  var diff = d2 - d1;
  var durHours = diff / 1000 / 60 / 60;
  if(rndHours) {
  return durHours;

Calculate Sum of Fields


Returns the sum of all the fields specified


Code Block
// fields - array of field objects - new Array(BO.F_Field1, BO.F_Field2, ...)
app.getSharedData().sumFields = function(theBO, fields) {  
  var sum = 0;
  for(var i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
    var f = get(fields, i);
    var itm = get(theBO, f);
    var v = itm.getValue();
    if(typeof itm !== "undefined" && v !== "" && !isNaN(+v)) {  //!isNaN(+v) is specifically to omit text fields when their value is not numeric
        sum += parseFloat(v);
  return sum;

Check if Field takes an Input


This function is useful for quickly determining if an item takes user input.  This function is commonly used in conjunction with the Recursive function (also on this page), where you may want to take some action for input items in your form in the onLoad event.  For example, when the form loads connect an event listener so that some code will be executed when the event is triggered.


Code Block
app.getSharedData().isInputField = function(theItemType) {
  var r = false;
 if(theItemType === "text" || theItemType === "textArea" || theItemType === "date" ||
     theItemType === "checkGroup" || theItemType === "checkBox" || theItemType === "radioGroup" || theItemType === "number" ||
     theItemType === "currency" || theItemType === "comboBox" || theItemType === "horizontalSlider" ||
     theItemType === "choiceSlider" || theItemType === "time" || theItemType === "webLink" ||
     theItemType === "surveyQuestion" || theItemType === "emailAddress" || theItemType === "password" || theItemType === "timeStamp") {
    r = true;
  return r;

Multiply Fields


Copy the function to Settings...Events section of your application.  Place this in the onShow event of the field where the sum is shown and then again in the onItemChange event of all the fields included in the summation:


Code Block
// theItem - the UI object of the item to validate
// theLength - the max length of the field, if exceeded the field will be set to invalid
// theMsg - The text to render if the length is exceeded.
app.getSharedData().fieldLengthValidation = function (theItem, theLength, theMsg) {
  var dval = theItem.getDisplayValue();
  if(dval.length > theLength) {
    theItem.getBOAttr().setValid(false, theMsg);
  } else {
    theItem.getBOAttr().setValid(true, '');

Recursive Function to Walk all Items in a Form


Note: This function was modified on Feb 28, 2015 to a new 2.0 version!  I learned something new and wanted to make sure I shared it.  This function was not as generic as it could have been.  I recently encountered a scenario where I wanted to walk all the items in a container and perform action A and then walk all the items in a different container and perform action B.  With the old function I would have to create two copies of the function and replace the content in the else labelled "//otherwise do something".  With the power of JavaScript we can actually make it even more generic!  I have created a third function as part of this group called processItem.


Code Block
app.getSharedData().processItem = function(item) {

  //do whatever you want to the item...
   alert(item.getId() + " : " + item.getValue());

  //set item to inactive
  if(app.getSharedData().isInputField(item.getType())) {
 //if(item.getType() === "text") {
   //do your thing


* Returns true if the current item has children, otherwise false.
app.getSharedData().hasItems = function(containerID) {
   var list = containerID.getChildren();
   if(list.getLength() > 0) {
    return true;
    } else {
       return false;

* Recursive function used for counting form items.
* containerID: UI item (i.e. page or item)
* processItem: the function that contains the work we want to perform on the item we have accessed
app.getSharedData().getItem = function(containerID, processItem) {
     var itemList;
     var pageList;
     var pageCount = 1;
     //check to see if the container is a form as it requires different processing
     if(containerID.getType() === "form") {
          pageList = containerID.getPageIds(); //list of the page IDs - not the actual objects!!
         pageCount = pageList.length;
      } else {
      itemList = containerID.getChildren();    

   //need a loop to account for different pages
   for(var p=0; p<pageCount;p++) {
       if(containerID.getType() === "form") {
          itemList = containerID.getPage(get(pageList, p)).getChildren(); //get the page object from the form
       //loop all the items
       for(var i=0; i<itemList.getLength(); i++)
         var theItem = itemList.get(i);
         if(app.getSharedData().hasItems(theItem)) {
             //if container go into it...
               app.getSharedData().getItem(theItem, processItem);   
            } else {
               //other wise do something with the item
               if(dojo.isFunction(processItem)) { //make sure that the parameter passed is a function

Constrain Field Data Length


This function will restrict the field length of a field.  It will not allow anymore characters to be entered into the field once the limit is reached. 


Code Block
app.getSharedData().restrictFieldLength = function(theField, theLength) {
  var v = theField.getDisplayValue();
  if(v.length >= theLength) {

Pad Field Value


Place the function in the Settings ... Events ... onStart


Code Block
app.getSharedData().padValue = function(theVal, padChar, desiredLength) {
  while(theVal.length < desiredLength) {
    theVal = padChar + theVal;              
  return theVal;