Leap and the IBM Connections API

Leap and the IBM Connections API

Connections has a REST API that allows you to get user profile information, publish activities and many other tasks.  If you create service descriptions for these REST APIs then your applications may interact directly with them.

I took some time to create a few of the service descriptions, but there are many more that could be created.  The full article I wrote is http://www-10.lotus.com/ldd/lfwiki.nsf/dx/Create_Service_Description_For_Connections_Profiles_API

Connections - Create Blog Entry -  Creates an entry in a Blog.

I have created another service description that integrates with Connections.  This one enables an app to create a Blog entry.

May 26, 2015 - Connections Community - Create Event - Creates an event in a community calendar.  To read more about the Connections REST API function check out the documentation for creating community events.

Added a Service Description XML file (Connections_Event_Create.xml) for a service to Create an Event in a Connection Community and a sample application (ConnectionsCommunityEvents.nitro_s) demonstrating its use.

Mar 5,2015 - Create Community - Creates a new Community

Get Communities - Returns the communities for the specified user.

Added Two more Service Description XML files that can be used to get a user's Community List and also programmatically create a community: Connections_GetCommunities.xml and Connections_CreateNewCommunity.xml

Mar 24th - Add Community Member - Adds a member to a community.

Added a service description,  that can be used to add a user to a community and updated the sample application. 


For more information on this REST API reference:


There is also a Sample Leap Application that uses the three services.

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