Porlet Wiring

Porlet Wiring

HCL Leap Portlet and Wiring

This document was written to help clarify how one might leverage portal wires to interact with the Leap portlet.  The operations that you can perform are load a form, send data and receive data.

Load Form

1. Within Portal select Administration...Manage pages...

2. Find the page that contains the FEB portlet and click Edit (pencil icon)

3. Click the Wires tab.

4. Change the way the types are interpreted

5. Create the wire that will send Application Data from the Leap portlet to itself as the Application URL.

In your Leap app you can then invoke this event by executing the following JavaScript:

 form.sendData(BO.F_ServerURL.getValue() + "/forms/secure/org/app/b5806ef1-b784-4c85-8844-653cd4064201/launch/index.html?form=F_FormA");

This uses the sendData() function to send data through the wire.

 Send Data To other portlets

 Use the form.sendData(data) function to trigger a portal event and send data through its configured wire.

 Receive Data from other Portlets

 The app has an event called onDataReceived that will be triggered when the Portal Wire is used.  The data that was sent through the wire will be available in the variable called pData.  You can place any javascript that you like in the onDataReceived event to use the data that was passed in within your form.


If you are using 8.5.0 build 287 or greater then there is a new parameter that you can use to change the behavior of the FEB portlet.  If you know that your FEB applications will not be using portlet wires and events, then you can disable the events by adding the parameter "disable_event", with a value of "true".  By disabling the events you will eliminate the page refresh that occurs when you trigger a form submission.

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